
Our Scientific Approach

Our Scientific Approach

To Chiropractic Care

Lower leg massage and therapy

Treatment Plans

Man checklist

Spinal Alignment

Artboard checklist

Objectively Track

Customized Treatment Plans

At Ponte Vedra Spine Center, there isn’t a one-size fits all approach like you find in many other Chiropractic care clinics. Every patient has a different spinal alignment, so that means every patient gets a custom treatment plan.

A female patient lies on a chiropractic table. for treatment.

Customized Treatment Plans

Evidence-Based Spinal Alignment

Spinal alignment can be measured mathematically, but many chiropractic offices don’t employ a mathematical measurement system. The old adage is true – “You can’t improve what you can’t measure.”

A patient doing a pull-up rehabilitation exercise at Ponte Vedra Spine Center.

Evidence-Based Spinal Alignment

Objectively Track Improvements

Many of patients start to feel better even after the first visit, but it often takes more than one treatment to see lasting results. We track your improvement over time so you can see all the progress you’ve made.

Dr. Gion and his workmate checked on their computer system.

Objectively Track Improvements

Our Mission

“Aid, empower, and inspire our community to lead healthy and optimal lives.”

What is Corrective Chiropractic Care?

Corrective chiropractic is a specialized approach within chiropractic care aimed at restoring the spine and body to its optimal alignment. This approach uses principles of biomechanics and spinal correction techniques to identify and correct misalignments through precise manual adjustments.

How does structural correction work?

Structural correction employs advanced technology and evidence-based methods to analyze posture and spinal alignment. Through manual adjustments, it aims to restore balance to the spine, enhancing the nervous system’s communication between the brain and the body.

How can structural correction help me?

Structural correction can help you achieve functional balance in the spine, relieve pain, improve posture, enhance movement, and improve your overall health. Many patients have experienced amazing results – read our reviews.

Is corrective chiropractic safe?

Yes, corrective chiropractic is a completely safe and non-invasive technique that doesn’t involve any medication or surgery. Your chiropractor may recommend you take some natural supplements, however.

How does corrective chiropractic differ from traditional chiropractic care?

While traditional chiropractic care typically focuses on alleviating pain and symptoms, corrective chiropractic seeks to correct the underlying structural imbalances that can lead to those symptoms using a scientific method. While corrective chiropractic still eases pain and other symptoms, it does so for the long-term.

Your first visit is only $47

Ponte Vedra Spine Center
220 Ponte Vedra Park Dr #180
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

Monday – Thursday
10am – 1pm | 2:30pm – 6:30pm

Friday – Sunday

Schedule Your Appointment, and experience a holistic approach to health.

Your first visit is only $47

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Get Started on your Health Journey
Your first visit is only $47!